I live to see the day these deplorables get what is coming to them. It can’t happen fast enough and no punishment will suffice to remedy the maiming, death and trauma they inflicted upon the world. All governments acted in lockstep. Not one of the Globalist Puppet Governments should ever see the light of day. As they denied that to so many innocent people. The rage I feel is not and cannot be captured by mere words.
So you both have the same name? Hope you can sort it out.
And I hope this is all true as these pHarma shills need taking down and disbanding. They are not fit for purpose and 86% of their funding comes from pHarma.
In the US there are over 1,000,000 Severe Adverse Event reports, including over 30,000 deaths from these poisons - and the VAERS reporting system is calculated to be under reported x 41 times! Do the math!
When will this evil be held to account!?! Can't come soon enough!
“There was a terrifying moment, on day one of the Covid vaccine roll out in the UK, when the Chief Medical Officer thought the entire programme would have to be suspended.
It was 11.43pm on Tuesday, December 8, 2020, and Matt Hancock was about to collapse into bed after another exhausting day when his phone rang.
As the health secretary relayed in his diaries, on the line was Professor Chris Whitty, calmly reporting that within hours of the first Pfizer jabs being administered, three patients had suffered serious adverse reactions. One had nearly died. “
Hancock, Bethell and Whitty went ahead anyway. Raine and colleagues have been hiding their incompetence ever since.
MHRA is a government department. It doesn’t even have its own website. It needs a clear out and to be independent of both government and Pharma.
I hadn't come that Oakeshott article before and it's clear she is covering up- not just by the "facts" she presents but by just how heavily she couched the piece. Only as worse as unnecessary vaccinations for most of the population my ass
She was the ghost writer of Hancock’s pandemic diaries. If you recall, they fell out when she did a deal with the Telegraph over his WhatsApp messages. Her early Telegraph articles were about lockdown and I kept thinking when is she going to dish the dirt on the vaccines? This article is from November last year, so you can see that the narrative falsehoods are being revealed according to some hidden timeline.
The Pfizer clinical trial/study had over 5,000 adverse events for 21900 or so injected twice - so a rate of, say 5,000 AE's per 43,800 doses = one AE per NINE doses - not per thousand one AE every 8 shots.
That was with Process 1 - Process 2 which changed the production method was 2-3 times worse. so you could argue that the ratio is around one AE per FIVE. shots.
When did the MHRA get these clincial trial studies for each manufacturer?
It would have been monitoring VAERS and EUDRA, indicating that the AstraZeneca shot was 4-5 tims worse than the already dangerous Pfizer and Moderna shots.
Thanks Peter appreciate. You'll be interested in this article from Dr June Raine herself who describes some of the authorisation process stating that:
"COVID-19 vaccines, including this one, are being developed in a coordinated way that allows some stages of the assessment process to happen in parallel, allowing us to condense the time needed"
Ugh. Just wait it will be parallel clinical trials of goldfish, 40 prison inmates and 10,000 people being paid 10,000 pounds each for a ywo week trial next.
Instadof the opening line - "As COVID-19 has affected almost every aspect of our lives,,,, " it should have read "As we grifting quacks have affected almost every aspect of your lives,,,, "
I saw something from one of the agencies that said they can tweak and change mRNA vaccines at will as required and you can basically buy them off the shelf as trails / testing are no longer required. This is SO frigging off the wall nuts it's bonkers! It used to take up to 10 years to approve a vaccine - Now it's 10 days? No Thank You!!!
Hey Peter, In UK, the moron, aka Boris Johnson, Prime Minister, was more obsessed with being first and being seen as a world leader in getting the AZ jabs into everyone. He was at the podium every day - absolutely loving all the attention and channelling Winston Churchill.
Once the AZ adverse effects quickly became apparent, after he had poisoned about 75% of the UK population, these jabs were quietly withdrawn with no govt comment or warning as to why - Shhh, it's a secret: nothing to see here... Luckily pShizer & Murderna were on speed dial, ready to mix n match with their boosters. What could go wrong?
Now the UK govt has a £1,000 Million 10 year contract with Murderna for up to 250 Million doses of mRNA something or other per annum.
Yes it has to stop and so does "dual use" bio weapons resserch.
It beggars belief that the 194 governments might sign a pandemic treaty when the WHO has has NOT solved other issues that kill millions a year and have done for decades - like TB, "ordinary" flu, pnumonia and HIV-AIDS. The WHO goud do the most good by building out sanitation and clean water plus arranging mass treatments with medical vounteers for treatable conditions. Yet it is unaccountable for any of that or the billions it already gets from donors. COmbine that with "overseas aid" budgets from national governments that run to billions every year and the failures in health are apparent.
Foor example, I wnder how the continued 0.5% (down from 0.75% under Camern?) of UK overseas aid - 12 billion a year? - ca be justified when nwe have so much illegal immigration frm the same countries we donate to. We know where the migrants come from - deport them back and dock the aid!
Totally agree with you about The WHO. But there's no profit for Billie Boy Gates without vaccines for everything. As for the UK overseas aid budget: that is primarily a trade aid, so we can give with one hand whilst we rob them blind with the other. It's like the WHO: do exactly as we say or you don't get any aid.
So many countries are increasingly failing and the current human trickle will become a massive flood which will ultimately overwhelm us. I can see no way of stopping literally millions of desperate people. It's a problem...
Their "reasoning" would not survive legal scrutiny in a Court, especially when the alternative explanation - there was a very high incidence of AE reports which SHOULD have triggered a safety signal or signals - is a much more credible explanation and more consistent with Occam's Razor?
This must also be taken in the context of Dame June's statement on the public record that she wanted to make MHRA an "enabler" not a "regulator".
The related question in a legal context is the usual "Cui bono"?
Thank you, I have been injured in oh so many ways, first by the dammed AZ jab 3 years ago, then by being bullied at work for not getting a 2nd jab or the booster. This bullying led to my being fired at an NHS affiliate for gross misconduct after having the courage to try to save a young newstarter nurses life by giving her some websites to consider safety.
I am further being bullied by the nhs trust and staffing agency into dropping my employment complaint or else face court costs.
The nurses loved me at work.
If any employment solicitor or barrister sees this post, please reply if interested in my ET complaint. Thanks
Good luck with everything, you don't deserve the shite coming your way at all. The bad deserves to be put in the sun for all to see. Hope it is revealed to everyone. Glad you've got support!
“The MHRA do not hold a specific document for disclosure that could be provided in response to this request.”
Could the Translation be: the MHRA holds several documents, not just one SPECIFIC to provide for disclosure - ‘we aint’t providing jackshit to you mo’fkers’…? ;)
Thank you responding. I had forgotten the name and when the letter came through it was as if it had been mine. I was so shocked to have the posting come through.
The entire thing hinges on the numbers out of Oxford based on the modelling of (I can't remember the gentlemans name?..Im old.)
I believe he said covid would kill 20,000,000.
Using that number the following statement can reasonably be made:
"Any action is justified to stop this terrible disease."
We know that number is falsified
We know that gentleman has a history of exaggerating fatalities, probably why they use him.
we know his affiliations
from my own family eg: mandated vax was justified because,, the IFR, hospitalization rates, long covid, severe harms reduction. All these are wrong but they are now dogma..
Until we can definitively prove his purposeful data manipulation they control the narrative.
" they control the narrative." I repeat that statement because that is our Achilles heel.
THEY have convinced an adequate portion of civilization the 20,000,000 number is accurate, consequently support for the program remains.
We will win in the courts thats true.
However they have learned from their mistakes, and won't make them again.
Legislation is being rewritten to suppress speech, control certain media outlets, stop dissent. undoubtedly using the cover of
"Undermining Democratic Institutions"
More and more FOI requests will be denied,
government will reorganize their obligation to report data. canada has stopped reporting
Contrary opinion will be oppressed
Those institutions we once depended on for unbiased opinion have been subjugated by corporate authourity using government as enforcement mechanism .
Those that do have contrary opinions will be immediately suppressed by the new surveillance state.
Recap: a significant number of voters still believe THEM,, we must expose the truth regarding the projected number of dead and the actual IFR.
As Mr G said "No one is safe until everyone is safe" or ws that vax'd
I say, we will not be safe until there corruption is fully exposed. Laws can be manipulated to win this, we need legislation driven by informed people that have been completely awakened.
IVERMECTIN/Hydroxy work Who knew,When did they know, Who suppressed it.
Health agencies globally seem to be using relative safety definitions worldwide and conning the populace as to its ethics. I would definitely query the 20 million figure. Wasn't it Ferguson who said only 20 thousand would die if we didn't lock down? From what I can see, only a scarcity of people now believe COVID was particularly lethal even for the initial Wuhan strain (if that was real). The side effects, if only 20% revealed, will not be accepted by the public imo. Andrew Bridgen is working on getting the vaxxed vs unvaxxed data. He now has support from a growing number of MPs. If this is revealed from the ONS to be causing excess deaths the debate will be over regardless of any 20 million figure and the blame game will begin globally. Interesting times ahead.
I read - 'No pants' Ferguson initially said half a Mil dead in UK, then he back tracked to 20K a few weeks later, but by then the media were engorged and it was too late. Apparently Gates had put £200 Mil into the modelling dept at Imperial where Ferguson works. That's how his numbers went global and were used to justify lockdowns. The Twat! Always wrong! An international embarrassment! Apparently his numbers were SO bad and off, they had to be 'managed' by experts at Google before release.
Andrew Bridgen for King! What a guy! National Hero!
The MHRA have always got thier major funding from Big Pharma, including the WHO and Bill Gates, so they were never going to objectively monitor any dangers form any medical product, just like the FDA in America. However, when covid came along they stopped even pretending when June Raine publicly stated the MHRA had moved from being an oversight body to an 'enabler' to ensure the vaccines got through the regulatory process quicker. The question is, who gave them the authority to become and enabler? This would not be in their remit unless some government minister or department authorised it.
That was an informative article, thanks - good to see the lies of the MHRA catching up with them and unraveling their webs of deceit. Dr June Raine should have been arrested a long time ago. UK Column and specifically Debi Evans has extensively covered the MHRA and Raine's complicity in the yellow card cover ups. Evans wrote:
The MHRA continues to be primarily funded by income from fees for sales of products and regulatory services: the breakdown sees 50% fees for services, 25% industry periodic fees and 25% Department funding. The fact that in March 2022, Dame June Raine, Chief Executive of the MHRA, boasted of the agency’s transition from “the watchdog to the enabler” does little to quell suspicions of conflicts and the implications for patient safety and cannot be overlooked.
I don't know who you think you are or how you were able to hack my account but you did. I have no contact with the UK but I have been writing Stephen's Substack for years.
I live to see the day these deplorables get what is coming to them. It can’t happen fast enough and no punishment will suffice to remedy the maiming, death and trauma they inflicted upon the world. All governments acted in lockstep. Not one of the Globalist Puppet Governments should ever see the light of day. As they denied that to so many innocent people. The rage I feel is not and cannot be captured by mere words.
So you both have the same name? Hope you can sort it out.
And I hope this is all true as these pHarma shills need taking down and disbanding. They are not fit for purpose and 86% of their funding comes from pHarma.
In the US there are over 1,000,000 Severe Adverse Event reports, including over 30,000 deaths from these poisons - and the VAERS reporting system is calculated to be under reported x 41 times! Do the math!
When will this evil be held to account!?! Can't come soon enough!
Day one of the vaccination campaign as told by Hancock’s pandemic diaries.
“There was a terrifying moment, on day one of the Covid vaccine roll out in the UK, when the Chief Medical Officer thought the entire programme would have to be suspended.
It was 11.43pm on Tuesday, December 8, 2020, and Matt Hancock was about to collapse into bed after another exhausting day when his phone rang.
As the health secretary relayed in his diaries, on the line was Professor Chris Whitty, calmly reporting that within hours of the first Pfizer jabs being administered, three patients had suffered serious adverse reactions. One had nearly died. “
Hancock, Bethell and Whitty went ahead anyway. Raine and colleagues have been hiding their incompetence ever since.
MHRA is a government department. It doesn’t even have its own website. It needs a clear out and to be independent of both government and Pharma.
I hadn't come that Oakeshott article before and it's clear she is covering up- not just by the "facts" she presents but by just how heavily she couched the piece. Only as worse as unnecessary vaccinations for most of the population my ass
She was the ghost writer of Hancock’s pandemic diaries. If you recall, they fell out when she did a deal with the Telegraph over his WhatsApp messages. Her early Telegraph articles were about lockdown and I kept thinking when is she going to dish the dirt on the vaccines? This article is from November last year, so you can see that the narrative falsehoods are being revealed according to some hidden timeline.
Good work.
The Pfizer clinical trial/study had over 5,000 adverse events for 21900 or so injected twice - so a rate of, say 5,000 AE's per 43,800 doses = one AE per NINE doses - not per thousand one AE every 8 shots.
see page 11 here: https://www.canadiancovidcarealliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/The-COVID-19-Inoculations-More-Harm-Than-Good-REV-Dec-16-2021.pdf
That was with Process 1 - Process 2 which changed the production method was 2-3 times worse. so you could argue that the ratio is around one AE per FIVE. shots.
When did the MHRA get these clincial trial studies for each manufacturer?
It would have been monitoring VAERS and EUDRA, indicating that the AstraZeneca shot was 4-5 tims worse than the already dangerous Pfizer and Moderna shots.
https://peterhalligan.substack.com/p/eudra-shows-4-5-times-more-deaths for AstraZeneca. The EMA took AZN off the shelves after just a few months i 2021.
So, a timeline as well as the actual clinical trial outcomes is needed.
Out of interest, here is the sort of ork that has been done for the US.
Thanks Peter appreciate. You'll be interested in this article from Dr June Raine herself who describes some of the authorisation process stating that:
"COVID-19 vaccines, including this one, are being developed in a coordinated way that allows some stages of the assessment process to happen in parallel, allowing us to condense the time needed"
Ugh. Just wait it will be parallel clinical trials of goldfish, 40 prison inmates and 10,000 people being paid 10,000 pounds each for a ywo week trial next.
Instadof the opening line - "As COVID-19 has affected almost every aspect of our lives,,,, " it should have read "As we grifting quacks have affected almost every aspect of your lives,,,, "
I saw something from one of the agencies that said they can tweak and change mRNA vaccines at will as required and you can basically buy them off the shelf as trails / testing are no longer required. This is SO frigging off the wall nuts it's bonkers! It used to take up to 10 years to approve a vaccine - Now it's 10 days? No Thank You!!!
Hey Peter, In UK, the moron, aka Boris Johnson, Prime Minister, was more obsessed with being first and being seen as a world leader in getting the AZ jabs into everyone. He was at the podium every day - absolutely loving all the attention and channelling Winston Churchill.
Once the AZ adverse effects quickly became apparent, after he had poisoned about 75% of the UK population, these jabs were quietly withdrawn with no govt comment or warning as to why - Shhh, it's a secret: nothing to see here... Luckily pShizer & Murderna were on speed dial, ready to mix n match with their boosters. What could go wrong?
Now the UK govt has a £1,000 Million 10 year contract with Murderna for up to 250 Million doses of mRNA something or other per annum.
This murderous insanity has got to STOP!
Yes it has to stop and so does "dual use" bio weapons resserch.
It beggars belief that the 194 governments might sign a pandemic treaty when the WHO has has NOT solved other issues that kill millions a year and have done for decades - like TB, "ordinary" flu, pnumonia and HIV-AIDS. The WHO goud do the most good by building out sanitation and clean water plus arranging mass treatments with medical vounteers for treatable conditions. Yet it is unaccountable for any of that or the billions it already gets from donors. COmbine that with "overseas aid" budgets from national governments that run to billions every year and the failures in health are apparent.
Foor example, I wnder how the continued 0.5% (down from 0.75% under Camern?) of UK overseas aid - 12 billion a year? - ca be justified when nwe have so much illegal immigration frm the same countries we donate to. We know where the migrants come from - deport them back and dock the aid!
Totally agree with you about The WHO. But there's no profit for Billie Boy Gates without vaccines for everything. As for the UK overseas aid budget: that is primarily a trade aid, so we can give with one hand whilst we rob them blind with the other. It's like the WHO: do exactly as we say or you don't get any aid.
So many countries are increasingly failing and the current human trickle will become a massive flood which will ultimately overwhelm us. I can see no way of stopping literally millions of desperate people. It's a problem...
Their "reasoning" would not survive legal scrutiny in a Court, especially when the alternative explanation - there was a very high incidence of AE reports which SHOULD have triggered a safety signal or signals - is a much more credible explanation and more consistent with Occam's Razor?
This must also be taken in the context of Dame June's statement on the public record that she wanted to make MHRA an "enabler" not a "regulator".
The related question in a legal context is the usual "Cui bono"?
Thank you, I have been injured in oh so many ways, first by the dammed AZ jab 3 years ago, then by being bullied at work for not getting a 2nd jab or the booster. This bullying led to my being fired at an NHS affiliate for gross misconduct after having the courage to try to save a young newstarter nurses life by giving her some websites to consider safety.
I am further being bullied by the nhs trust and staffing agency into dropping my employment complaint or else face court costs.
The nurses loved me at work.
If any employment solicitor or barrister sees this post, please reply if interested in my ET complaint. Thanks
Good luck with everything, you don't deserve the shite coming your way at all. The bad deserves to be put in the sun for all to see. Hope it is revealed to everyone. Glad you've got support!
“The MHRA do not hold a specific document for disclosure that could be provided in response to this request.”
Could the Translation be: the MHRA holds several documents, not just one SPECIFIC to provide for disclosure - ‘we aint’t providing jackshit to you mo’fkers’…? ;)
Wouldn't suprise me if they pulled a fast one somehow
Thank you responding. I had forgotten the name and when the letter came through it was as if it had been mine. I was so shocked to have the posting come through.
This may be an appropriate place to put this.
Liz Lambert - Whistleblower Legislation In New Zealand
News on Barry Young and his case..
FreeNZ Media
The entire thing hinges on the numbers out of Oxford based on the modelling of (I can't remember the gentlemans name?..Im old.)
I believe he said covid would kill 20,000,000.
Using that number the following statement can reasonably be made:
"Any action is justified to stop this terrible disease."
We know that number is falsified
We know that gentleman has a history of exaggerating fatalities, probably why they use him.
we know his affiliations
from my own family eg: mandated vax was justified because,, the IFR, hospitalization rates, long covid, severe harms reduction. All these are wrong but they are now dogma..
Until we can definitively prove his purposeful data manipulation they control the narrative.
" they control the narrative." I repeat that statement because that is our Achilles heel.
THEY have convinced an adequate portion of civilization the 20,000,000 number is accurate, consequently support for the program remains.
We will win in the courts thats true.
However they have learned from their mistakes, and won't make them again.
Legislation is being rewritten to suppress speech, control certain media outlets, stop dissent. undoubtedly using the cover of
"Undermining Democratic Institutions"
More and more FOI requests will be denied,
government will reorganize their obligation to report data. canada has stopped reporting
Contrary opinion will be oppressed
Those institutions we once depended on for unbiased opinion have been subjugated by corporate authourity using government as enforcement mechanism .
Those that do have contrary opinions will be immediately suppressed by the new surveillance state.
Recap: a significant number of voters still believe THEM,, we must expose the truth regarding the projected number of dead and the actual IFR.
As Mr G said "No one is safe until everyone is safe" or ws that vax'd
I say, we will not be safe until there corruption is fully exposed. Laws can be manipulated to win this, we need legislation driven by informed people that have been completely awakened.
IVERMECTIN/Hydroxy work Who knew,When did they know, Who suppressed it.
Accountability Now,Now,Now
P.S. that gentlemans name, Matthew Hancock
Health agencies globally seem to be using relative safety definitions worldwide and conning the populace as to its ethics. I would definitely query the 20 million figure. Wasn't it Ferguson who said only 20 thousand would die if we didn't lock down? From what I can see, only a scarcity of people now believe COVID was particularly lethal even for the initial Wuhan strain (if that was real). The side effects, if only 20% revealed, will not be accepted by the public imo. Andrew Bridgen is working on getting the vaxxed vs unvaxxed data. He now has support from a growing number of MPs. If this is revealed from the ONS to be causing excess deaths the debate will be over regardless of any 20 million figure and the blame game will begin globally. Interesting times ahead.
* 20 thousand would die if we did lock down pardon me
I read - 'No pants' Ferguson initially said half a Mil dead in UK, then he back tracked to 20K a few weeks later, but by then the media were engorged and it was too late. Apparently Gates had put £200 Mil into the modelling dept at Imperial where Ferguson works. That's how his numbers went global and were used to justify lockdowns. The Twat! Always wrong! An international embarrassment! Apparently his numbers were SO bad and off, they had to be 'managed' by experts at Google before release.
Andrew Bridgen for King! What a guy! National Hero!
The MHRA have always got thier major funding from Big Pharma, including the WHO and Bill Gates, so they were never going to objectively monitor any dangers form any medical product, just like the FDA in America. However, when covid came along they stopped even pretending when June Raine publicly stated the MHRA had moved from being an oversight body to an 'enabler' to ensure the vaccines got through the regulatory process quicker. The question is, who gave them the authority to become and enabler? This would not be in their remit unless some government minister or department authorised it.
Great article. Thank you.
Are dingle dangles in order ????
Justice may be coming to the UK at last, or we will find out our justice system is totally corrupt as well, one of the two!
More here; https://truthaddict.substack.com/p/covid-criminals-soil-underpants
That was an informative article, thanks - good to see the lies of the MHRA catching up with them and unraveling their webs of deceit. Dr June Raine should have been arrested a long time ago. UK Column and specifically Debi Evans has extensively covered the MHRA and Raine's complicity in the yellow card cover ups. Evans wrote:
The MHRA continues to be primarily funded by income from fees for sales of products and regulatory services: the breakdown sees 50% fees for services, 25% industry periodic fees and 25% Department funding. The fact that in March 2022, Dame June Raine, Chief Executive of the MHRA, boasted of the agency’s transition from “the watchdog to the enabler” does little to quell suspicions of conflicts and the implications for patient safety and cannot be overlooked.
I don't know who you think you are or how you were able to hack my account but you did. I have no contact with the UK but I have been writing Stephen's Substack for years.