Apr 6, 2023Liked by Stephen Feldman

Another thing to take into account is the consciously, wilfuly complicated process TO actually successfully input obvious vaccine injuries INTO the yellow card system. I personally know of MANY people who had relatives who were fit & healthy and got a 2nd or booster jab, became very ill or died quickly afterwards, who (A) said that the process

of inputting a report was so needlessly complicated as to have given the clear impression of it being DELIBERATELY so, many, if not most, having actually GIVEN UP! & (B) The burden of "proof" demanded that it WAS in fact vaccine related was so high, (everybody who dealt with the victim, from G.P. to EVERY clinician and physician, doctor, medical personnel ALL having to be in unanimous

"lockstep" that it WAS a vaccine injury, when, of course, we KNOW that THOSE coward's and liars kept their damn mouths SHUT because they absolutely faced being fired AND losing their license to practice medicine too, or, in the USA, even CRIMINALIZED!). There is premeditated corruption BUILT INTO these reporting mechanisms, and yes, they absolutely ARE throttling these reports and numbers too. In the UK, the BBC STILL gleefully lie that there have been NO "confirmed" deaths from the pseudo vaccine.

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Apr 5, 2023Liked by Stephen Feldman

Excellent! I’ll help get this info launched into the jet stream!

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Stephen Feldman

I do find that image of June Raine with the manialcal smile in front of a mountain of yellow cards rather disturbig.

Great work Stephen, thanks.

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Stephen Feldman

Really great investigation Stephen!

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Apr 21, 2023·edited Apr 21, 2023Liked by Stephen Feldman

Hands up all those surprised those prepared to be complicit in mass murder, would also be prepared to lie afterwards.

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May 8, 2023Liked by Stephen Feldman

Hi Stephen, I came here via a Steve Kirsch post. It sounds as though this is UK based? If so, delighted to be here as so much is from the US. I'll stick around for a while if that's okay. Thanks for being here!

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Can we trust any data? Did VAERS ever find the 38,000 reports they lost last September?

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June Raine, yet another corrupt, incompetent, useless, paid for , evil, Big Pharma puppet. The MHRA is supposed to safeguard us against any Pharma poison, the reality is it does the exact opposite, protecting Big Pharma profits against the public. It is simply not fit for purpose . Raine should be charged with crimes against humanity, and her completely undeserved gong returned!!

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If governments were transparent, we wouldn't have to be trying to figure this out. All the money being spent on "covid", yet they can't put out reports that make any sense. Hmmm.

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Well four people I know (aged 60s to 80s) were injured by one or two doses of the AZ in 2021. None of them filled in a report ...

1 One had a TIA and has since had a pacemaker fitted - one dose only

2 One has since had regular severe leg pains

3 One developed super-high BP and I don't know if it later abated

4 One had the worst headache she'd ever had which later went away.

Case 1 - he had some minor health issues before. Not surprising, as he's 87. 1x AZ just made them worse, as far as I can see.

Was the AZ (DNA) 'thrown under the bus' to induce more people to take the Pfizer or Moderna (mRNA)? I was alert enough by May 2020 to stay clear of all of it.

Anyway, that's 4x potential Yellow Card reports which never became real YC reports. These people had neither the energy nor the determination to follow it up.

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"Vanished", huh? I saw a video not long after the beginning of the US rollout. This US chap was screen-capturing himself searching the US VAERS for serious/fatal adversity reports. He was showing that, even as he searched for numbered adverse reactions, the details of the reports was being removed/deleted, live. His interested had been piqued a day or so previously when he used screenshots of loads of serious/fatal reports to re-find them later only to find them purged. So he started recording himself searching for reports & showing how they'd be visible one minute them gone the next.

I was shocked but unsurprised. I have no idea who made that video & I wish I had downloaded a copy.

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This is fascinating. I think that Professor Fenton should attend one of the MHRA board meetings and request to ask a question at the meeting. I’d love to hear them respond to this.

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Actual quote should be:

“Safety is our watchword and we are globally recognised for insuring that the lowest standards of safety, quality and effectiveness are met for all vaccines” - Dame June Raine - CEO of MHRA

Dame? What is with these pretentious, entitled Karens of the world. Why is England so in love with their "royal" titles? Look at her smirking visage for a glimpse of Evil.

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remember even bad information is still useful. if we dont learn from our mistakes we cant move forward. any book even the bible is misinterpreted. I have actually found people that believed that Christ spoke English. While the ten commandments are basically good guidelines they also are not read as they are meant to be as instructed. so many translations that have changed the meaning of the original teaching. so many see it as the actual word of god.. much of these teachings have done some good, but also much evil. many dont see how many wars were started with I am more holy than you!. Ah well I think I have done ok living with the same woman for over a half century. raising kids that have provided me with grandkids and they with great grandkids. all providing me with entertaining moments that make life worth living. now having more days behind me than lay ahead I know I have left a mark upon this land. small but a mark. will any know of it? I do and that is what matters. to be at peace with yourself so whatever lays ahead I'm ready ---------- I, Grampa

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When are these folks face justice??? ALL of THEM. with all the irrefutable evidence, when will they face justice?

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