Hi Stephen,

Thanks for the post, I filed a Yellowcard report in April 2021 for vaccine harms from astra-zen and updated my report in Nov 2021 when I discovered that the person who took my report over the phone in April had left off at least half of my symptoms and vaxxine harms. I suspect many Yellowcard reports filed were also minimized similarly so those that are filed only provide part of the injuries experienced. I'm still experiencing vaccine injury today, 3 1/2 years later with some autoimmune and damage to my cardiovascular system resulting in some circulatory problems.

I spoke with a NHS midwife nurse and she is still of the opinion that the covid vaccines were fully tested for safety and efficacy. She says that she saw how bad covid was in some patients and thus the vaccines played a critical role in prevention of covid and lessening the symptoms.

I recommended she read 'Turtles All the Way Down' and learn how there are no safety trials that show that any of the vaccines are safe and effective.

No RCT trials were properly done on any of the vaccines.

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Aug 20Liked by Stephen Feldman

How does an E.U.A. injection qualify as fully tested for safety and efficacy? Not that the injections developed over the standard ten to fifteen years were either.

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They are not safe and effective. No vaccines have ever had any proper RCT trials. So they claim all vaccines including EUA are safe and effective based on comparing the adverse health effects from the measles vaccines for childhood measles.

If you're interested in the shocking truth, invest 23 min to watch:


Dr. Stanley Plotkin, the ‘godfather of vaccines’, made a recent statement in a published paper revealing the truth about safety trials on vaccines in the US, painting a picture of vaccine safety that falls far short of the safety claims our health agencies make.

AIRDATE: August 1, 2024

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20Author

Saddened to hear of your experience right there and I've taken note. The damage of this kind of malpractice radiates into society extensively. There was a young man who arrived in the hospital with facial swelling. They sent him home with some drugs and he didn't wake the next morning. He was only 31-32. As I understand it, he died of sepsis. The local family burger bar where he served shut down completely and is gone for good. Only happened at the beginning of this year. The mother who ran it is now without her son and a young lady who served there is without her best friend. There was another employee who lost her job also.

I think I would want a word with that midwife! To me, she's revealing her clouded judgement. If a product saves lives, it doesn't mean that it shouldn't be sent back for rectification should there be issues with it, and with the COVID jab, the skies the limit on that count not that it ever really worked. The NHS vaccinated through lower and lower age groups and they never thought, "you know what, we should send it back so they can fix it before we vaccinate the kids". Nope, none of that and that midwife seems to see the vaccine rollout as a monolith, that's the level of detail she appears to have thought about it in. She won't be able to think about it in detail because she would have to accept some home truths including accepting a resultant breakdown in trust between care staff and patients.

Anyhow I hope you can get to some kind of recovery stage, I couldn't imagine going through all that hassle and gaslighting with the NHS who contributed heavily to the problem in the first place.

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Great info Stephen. I was wondering if the Excel sheets you supplied was the raw data received or your summary of it? I reached out to my Ireland Doctor friend Dr. Gerald Waters to forward this article to find and "meet" the folks who submitted the FOIA. Also a general question I have about EMA and or MHRA is that when I took Wouter Aukema's Eudravigilance download there doesn't seem to been any formal fields indicating country of "origin"? Yet I think you all may have a method of determining exact country of origin querying EudraV and MHRA directly? This N. Ireland, Great Britain, UK terminology is a bit confusing as well trying to correlate to the VAERS system. In VAERS there is Great Britain and Ireland only, so I'm thinking N. Ireland maybe considered apart of G.B. in VAERS?

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Ah thank you, I really appreciate. Definitely that's the raw data, my own spreadsheet is fairly massacred with graphs and loose workings ATM. I would be interested to hear of any response/update from the Doc if he happens to have any luck, these requesters knew what they were looking for that's for sure. I recall a similar made FOI request made by someone for Scottish data, that would be interesting to dig that one out and see what's in there.

Eudravigilance seems to exclude UK when broken down by country, that's strange. I'll go back into it again. The MHRA originally broke down pure report numbers (with no indications of severity) by country in their old weekly releases but these aren't on their finalised interactive drug prints, another presentation loss although these do show age stratified report numbers and a few other useful insights.

That's a very interesting differentiation - Great Britain doesn't include NI but they are in fact part of the UK and the Yellow Card system but is complicated by special Brexit rules. Just reading the material, a manufacturer is required to report NI injury reports to eudravigilance using country code XI from 1st Jan 2021. For a serious unexpected reaction in a trial, the country code should be GB. Any NI reports prior to 2021, I'm assuming were GB also. The Yellow Card system never made it to Ireland and ofc is definitely not part of the UK or anything. And their pubs are better!


I'm going to watch that video by Wouter Aukema and see what's going down


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I forgot that mention that XI specifically marks out Northern Ireland. Hope you have some luck.

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Aug 20Liked by Stephen Feldman

Are they not called MRNA vaccines?

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The agency might as well call themselves that being 86% funded by Big Pharma!

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What was Covid 19 anyway? If it wasn't a deadly virus sweeping the world then no medical intervention was necessary for most. (There was something around, I feel. Perhaps a lab-made nasty that if it got in your circulatory system could mess you up for a bit).

So the "vaccines" are the trouble and boy is it taking out a lot of the very people who pushed it ie the BBC workforce! Too many to mention.



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No shit. We’ve known this forever. Where have you been

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Treatments for VAX injury here : 




.They Lied. Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at 



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